
Who'd Have Thought It?


-------- The Success Bulletin of Dave Cordle -------- Your Personal Professional Development Partner

18th February 2016

Success is proportionate to the quality of the questions you ask


Hello %FirstName%.

I was in a meeting earlier this month with a local copywriter. Although on the face of it our professions are very different, we actually ask a lot of the same questions to our clients. One of them is “what do you do?”

On the face of it that seems very easy and obvious, but how you answer that question will have a big impact on your success.

Let’s open the box and find out how.

So what do you really do?


So, what do you do? And I mean what do you really do?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a business owner or have a career working for a company or organisation. What you do is probably not what you think.

You are NOT just whatever label you’ve been given as a job title or decided is the service you provide. For example you’re not just a project manager, executive assistant, road sweeper. Your business isn’t just cleaning, accountancy or gardening.

Sure those are descriptive labels, but they put you in a huge category with all the other people who have the same label as you do. Those people will, of course, use similar skills to you. So how do you stand out? What makes you different from all the others?

The answer is to work out what you really do, and by that I mean the benefits that you give to people and organisations by doing what you do. What are they left behind with after you’ve done what you do in the way that you do it? If you can articulate that, you’ll get more customers if you’re a business owner and land more jobs or get more pay rises if you’re working for an organisation.

I give people the skills and strategies to go to work with a smile on their face and be more successful in their job or business. So, what do you do?

Here’s to your success.


Top quote


"We know what we are, but know not whatwe may be

William Shakespeare

New Website Coming Soon

image is undergoing a re-vamp.

Within the next few weeks, the new version will be live with a full range of services to Business Owners, Organisations and Individuals.

So look out for the launch announcement over the next few weeks.

Jungle Drums


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