I write to you in the midst of a current global health pandemic and I want to remind and reassure you that, more than ever, our greatest priority is your wellbeing.
We are here to support you in any way we can and have introduced a number of measures to do so including a regular COVID-19 focused update (in addition to our regular monthly members newsletter) which will contain helpful information and links to content and resources to help you manage your business and wellbeing during this challenging period and beyond. We will also be updating our website, resources and online therapy content to ensure you have access to the resources you may need to be able to sustain your therapy business.
Of course, I also want to continue to deliver other information of interest and value so first on my list is to remind you of the joys of spring. Glossy buds of fresh new growth about to burst into bloom, enriching our lives with colour while playing a pivotal role in our ecosystem. And then we have Easter, the festival of chocolate! Or maybe you are a cake fiend. Whether you are a baker or not, we have found 50 easy Easter cake recipes for you. Challenge either yourself or someone you know to attempt just one, if you are not in the same household then maybe you could share the process with each other via a video call such as Skype, Facetime or Zoom. You can even hold a virtual Easter egg hunt.
In terms of business, perhaps take a few minutes to read through this month’s newsletter, and with an open mind consider whether or not anything featured could potentially enable, or simply inspire you to do things slightly differently to help your business thrive.
Through changing times, it is important to practice self-care, take regular exercise and build some structure into your day as much as possible. There are plenty of experts offering free online resources to support wellbeing at this crucial time, so select a platform that you are familiar with and search for something that will bring you the benefits you would like to achieve and enjoy what that has to offer.
Best wishes

Practical, positive advice to help your personal and practice finances
Bob Bond, CEO of WriteUpp, is producing a stream of well researched, actionable content to help practitioners get through the COVID-19 outbreak, including details on Furloughing, the Small Business Grant and ideas shared by other practitioners. You can access all of his articles here and an archive of the emails that he’s been sending out here.
3 months of free virtual sessions with Rehab My Patient
Rehab My Patient has now released Tele Rehab allowing subscribers to make video consultations and group sessions (suitable for Pilates, group rehab etc). To use Tele Rehab, simply login (or register a free account), then select your patient, and launch the Tele Rehab button. Email the web link to your patient and join the room, and you should now be having a secure online video consultation where you can demonstrate exercises, rehab, advice or guidance. Afterwards, you will be able to send exercise plans to your patients. The Tele Rehab is free to use for all subscribers during the COVID-19 pandemic. If any PPH member and non-subscriber would like 3 free month access during this period, they are welcome to register here: www.rehabmypatient.com/pph
Get to grips with digital marketing
Digital marketing can feel like a heavy burden as it requires a completely different skill set to market yourself in an ever-changing digital world. Join Dr Neil Thompson of CaringBusinessBuilder in his free webinar on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at 2pm to help you get to grips with digital marketing for businesses in the caring profession. This webinar focuses on getting the best out of digital marketing opportunities, whether you manage this yourself (DIY) or outsource it to the professionals (DFY). It will give you plenty of food for thought about how to use modern technology to increase your referrals and help your business thrive. Watch the webinar on Facebook Live by following Neil on https://www.facebook.com/drneilthompson/ or just click on his page on the day. You can also read his latest blog Making a success of running a caring professions business.
Here to support your clinic
During these unprecedented times, continuing to provide effective clinic support can be difficult. Clinic Answer can support your clinic wherever you may need. They understand that now more than ever, it’s important to receive effective, timely and accurate communication. Clinic Answer are still open to help manage your clinic and any changes it may be facing. They offer a comprehensive managed Live Chat service to instantly communicate with your patients should they want to get in touch. They can also help handle your calls as if they were in clinic with you and directly manage appointments in your existing diary software. Let Clinic Answer take care of the difficult administration tasks whilst you focus on what’s important. Private Practice Hub members receive an exclusive 30-day free trial of a fully managed Live Chat service. Call Chris Munro on 0330 0552 700 or visit Clinic Answer and quote PPH-APR.
Digital health resources have never been so important
Health and care apps, when used safely, help to keep pressure off the NHS in a time of high demand, as well as allowing patients to protect themselves and others from unnecessary risk. App stores are, however, unregulated, and 85% of apps do not meet ORCHA’s quality threshold. To share knowledge and resources, ORCHA has pulled together lists of tested apps, all of which meet ORCHA’s quality threshold for apps that are safe to use:-
- Apps to help with self-management, remote-monitoring and staying healthy
- Apps to help children and young people manage their health and wellbeing during this time of uncertainty
- Apps to help the elderly and vulnerable
Please feel free to get in touch with ORCHA at hello@orcha.co.uk if you’d like any more information or advice.
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