Hello everyone,
Moving swiftly on from pumpkins and broomsticks, we now watch the world around us transform into a magical winter wonderland, in one seemingly seamless transition. So, before the festive season draws you tightly into its clutches, take a moment to reflect and make plans to help smoothly move your therapy business forward into next year.
Perhaps you need to make your website more mobile friendly, read WriteUpp’s latest blog below and find out why this is so important for your business. Maybe it's a natural and vegan friendly range of beauty and well-being products to support clients making resolutions and commitments towards their own self-care.
Whatever your goals, we think you might like our update, there’s every chance it will help transform the way you work.
Our partner WebHealer have now written a fourth article in their series which is all about helping therapists attract more clients using the web. This one focuses on encouraging your website visitors to engage with the content on your website and “stay a while” rather than quickly skimming and clicking away. How do you make that emotional connection that gives people a good feeling about you? Here’s a link to the article and look out for the fifth article due later this month – it’s the crucial final step in which your visitors hopefully make contact with you either for an appointment booking or just making an enquiry.
Have you joined the Private Practice Hub yet? The UK’s leading therapy business advice website is FREE and gives you access to a comprehensive range of business tools and advice. You’ll find resources, articles, templates and downloads for any imaginable aspect of running a therapy business including finance, marketing, business plans, coaching, online therapy, software, professional issues and so much more. This includes CPD events and training on the events database, reviews of therapy software, webinars, workshops and also therapy rooms to list or rent. So what are you waiting for ... come on over to our place and sign up for FREE today.
We love receiving your views and comments as this helps us deliver exactly what you need for your therapy business so if you have any feedback on this newsletter or any ideas and suggestions for future newsletters, please let us know by replying to this email or call us on 01173 250990.
Meanwhile, I look forward to sharing more news with you next month.
Best wishes

No mobile site = Lost income
We’ve co-written an article with Bob Bond, CEO of WriteUpp where he provides evidence of the significant shift towards mobile internet usage both amongst clients in the healthcare industry and more broadly across the population. He explains how you can verify if your site is mobile friendly (or better still mobile optimised) and what the implications of not having a mobile friendly site are likely to be. It concludes by discussing what you might wish to do if your site isn’t currently mobile friendly. Read the full article here -> If your website isn’t mobile friendly you’re losing income.
Network and build your client list
If you’re not earning enough money, you’re not helping enough people! That’s the truth of it. If you became a Practitioner to help people get out of pain, sleep better, train harder – whatever your specialty is for helping people live better lives – if you’re struggling financially then you’re not helping as many people as you could. The fastest way to build your client list is to get out there and network! With everyone! Tell your friends and family what you actually do, the problems you solve for people – not just your qualification or your job title as most people don’t really understand what that means. Then get into some networking events and repeat the process. Take advantage of this free Guide to Networking to give you the how and the where to help you get more clients now! Take action today!
Special benefits from our new website partner WebHealer
WebHealer are the leading provider of websites to therapists. They promise to talk to you in plain English rather than technobabble and they can have you online and on Google quicker than you thought possible - and for a price you will love. That’s why we chose to partner with them and recommend them to members. Click to see the generous terms WebHealer are offering PPH members.
A complete top-to-toe beauty & wellbeing range
As a therapist, have you struggled to find a range of products that satisfy your client's needs? One that is vegan friendly and made from only the most natural of ingredients? One that is infused with incredible healing properties? Well, look no further, because Vitali-Chi have developed an extensive product range, just for you.
One that takes into account the myriad of skin and other conditions your clients might face. You can also get started as an Ambassador, where you can purchase the Starter + Add-On Packages for over 50% off the normal retail price. You will also receive a marketing plan and start up advertising materials, so this really is a great opportunity. Click here to register for your free information pack.
Growing your practice into the next decade
With the new decade looming just over the horizon, are you ready to take that next step, the step towards really committing to growing your private practice into 2020? Dr Colin Clerkin, founder of Your Practice Coach (and owner of his own successful therapy practice), recognises that it can be a tough step, but the good news is that Colin is on hand to help you take it, with confidence. Colin’s online training programmes - “Getting Started in Your Own Private Practice” and, for those already established but looking to do more, “Market Your Practice” - are designed to help you move your plans for your practice forward, building on his expertise and guidance. Packed full of videos and PDF downloadable worksheets, e-books and interactive assessments, you can take those important steps forward into 2020 with expert back-up. All Colin’s programmes come with Private Practice Hub member discounts (until the end of the year) AND money-back guarantees, so grab the package that best suits your needs, safe in the knowledge that there is no-risk involved. Let’s make 2020 the year you make things happen for your practice.
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