Hello everyone,
I love summer. The smell of salty air, the sound of seagulls overhead, sunsets, long summer nights, barbeques and bonfires, family get-togethers, those are just a few of my favourite summer things that help me recharge.
Does your therapy business need recharging too? Is it stuck in first gear? We can help you rev it up again with our newsletter full of fresh incentives and offers to inspire you. Ignite the passion for your business and give it the summer loving it deserves.
Not a member of PPH already? We are the UK's leading therapy business advice website offering such a comprehensive package of business advice absolutely FREE. Packed full of useful articles, resources, templates and downloads for all aspects of running a therapy business including finance, marketing, business plans, coaching, online therapy, software, professional issues and more. There are CPD events and training on the events database, reviews of software for therapists, webinars, workshops and therapy rooms to rent. Come and join us - sign up for FREE today.
Do you have a therapy room available for hire? A basic listing on our database is free and includes your contact details, image, availability and you can update your details at any time. Upgrade to a featured listing costing just £5 per month (on a rolling basis) to guarantee inclusion on the first page of results in your chosen area, regular promotion in our monthly email newsletter to over 40,000 therapists and across our social media platforms. Register or log in here to view or list therapy rooms.
Don’t forget to read our blogs. You'll find some really interesting posts on there.
We love receiving your views and comments so if you have any feedback on this newsletter or any ideas and suggestions for future newsletters, please do let us know by replying to this email.
I look forward to sharing more news with you next month.
Best wishes

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WriteUpp's cloud-based practice management software is used by thousands of therapists in over 20 countries and is famed for its ease of use along with the fabulous support their super friendly team provide. As a PPH subscriber, you can be up and running in 30 seconds, and experiencing the benefits of WriteUpp FREE for 30 days.
Want to join in a 3-day event that will transform your life?
Passion to Profit for Practitioners 6-Figure Practitioner Live! 3-day event is coming back to London, June 28th - 30th. You have the opportunity to experience three intensely motivating and energising days packed full of information, tips and strategies that will help you transform your life and your Practice. If you’re serious about wanting to help more people and get paid more for doing the work you love, securing the financial stability you deserve, then it’s time to DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. Call 0333 987 4245 if you want to speak to someone ASAP and reserve your place. You’ll need to hurry as ticket numbers are limited due to room constraints and we don't want you to miss out if you're ready to TAKE ACTION to achieve the life you've always wanted!
New resilience book with free companion online course
Group therapist Chris Johnstone, has been involved in resilience training for over thirty years and has a new book published - Seven Ways to Build Resilience. He's offering a free place on a companion online course if you buy the book before the end of June. More details about Seven Ways to Build Resilience.
Ever felt like you’re chasing your tail, replying to messages or chasing up missed calls?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time to act. By using Clinic Answer’s vast experience in online diary management you can ensure your working time is spent treating patients and not running to the phone every few minutes or worrying about missing any new enquiries. How Clinic Answer can help: Appointments booked on calls, no more missed opportunities, get on with what you do best, maintain and enhance a professional image at all times. Experience the full range of services with a FREE no obligation 30-day trial. Call Chris Munro today on 0330 0552 700 or visit Clinic Answer to arrange your free trial.
Would you like access to more than 2000 rehab exercises?
Rehab My Patient has recently uploaded 400 more exercises including 30 pelvic floor strengthening exercises. They are also about to release a new app for practitioners. This is an exciting time because the new app allows even more functionality for use of Rehab My Patient and exercise prescription. In addition, RMP will be releasing their patient app in the next few weeks which allows patients to login and track their exercises. This is a fantastic tool for therapists and we recommend Rehab My Patient's free trial - the code for PPH members is PPH20.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for professionals!
Thinking about adding something new to your treatment list? Why not consider introducing PEMF therapy. It is a drug-free, non-invasive alternative therapy. High powered systems can provide your clients with unlimited health benefits. From treating chronic conditions to recovering from a sports injury. Find out more about PEMF therapy.
Try MAG365 BF free
MAG365 is Europe’s premium magnesium supplement, offering ionic magnesium citrate powder that is the most absorbable and fast-acting magnesium available thanks to a unique proprietary process. MAG365 offers the only bone formula that has no added calcium. Most people get enough calcium from their diets but lack the necessary vitamins and minerals to facilitate bone health. Try MAG365 BF FREE with coupon code PPH. Shipping extra, applies to pink tubs.
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