Saturday Sales Tips

Value the relationship, more than making quota - Jeffrey Gitomer

Hi %FirstName%,

So here we are. The summer has pretty much ended, the first of September is upon us, and most of the schools will go back next week.

So, the busy Autumn period of sales is nearly here. Are you ready for this?

I know my customers are. We have been working on some new scripts to engage with prospects and we love the feel that they have. Friendly, engaging openings with open questions to really get to understand more about the prospect and their feelings.

We are sure they are going to work very well!

If you are not prepared for the new sales conversations and discussions you are going to have then be prepared for these conversations not to be effective.

Great sales results are always preceded by great sales preparation.

Anyway, how has your week been? I hope you have achieved some great sales results, or if you've been off with your family, then I hope you relaxed.

Have you set your sales targets and goals for September?

I mentioned in my email last week, about how I failed to achieve one of the key goals I had set in the last year. Isn't it frustrating when you don't achieve a target?

Every year as I turn another year older, I review past goals and set new ones and being honest I was angry with myself on Thursday when I woke up and thought, you haven't hit this goal.

I want a book in my hand by the time I reach my next birthday that I can say is my book. I am going to ask for some help with this from you all as well. Are you happy to get involved?

Whilst I have not completed my book, I did console myself though knowing that I had semi achieved the goal!

I have had the honour of being asked to contribute to a new book which was launched this morning! The Sales Genius #1 is a great book where me and 19 other sales professionals and experts have shared their thoughts on how to get better sales results. The book is currently available for just 99p on Kindle.

If you're wondering what to read this coming Saturday afternoon, then why not take a look. 99p won't even buy you a cheap coffee these days!

This book is full of lots of great ideas and within it I share my top 8 sales disciplines which I encourage everyone to adopt and put into practice.

You will not be surprised to hear that 2 of these disciplines relate to Plans and Processes.

I am a big believer in consistent sales success being achieved through these 2 P's.

The plan is how you will achieve what you want. The process is the detail to make it happen. You need both to get real sales success.

Let's take an example to show you what I mean.

Sales Plan

You have say set yourself a goal to achieve £30,000 in new revenue over the next 6 months. This is your goal, or you might call your main objective. Without further details this is just a target and without further plans is likely to just be a number on a spreadsheet. I talk to a lot of companies who live in 'spreadsheet fantasy land'.

They put in place big numbers as targets and then carry on as they were without putting in place the plan to turn that target into a reality.

Put bluntly, this is a daft way to operate but it happens a lot.

The sales plan outlines how we will move from where we are now to achieving our £30,000 target.

It works out that your average order value is for £5,000 and so therefore to hit the target you need to bring in 6 new customers to hit the goal.

It would be great to think we win new business with every prospect we engage with but we all know that doesn't happen. Some of our prospects will drop off at different stages and our plan needs to accommodate that. Let's say, there are 3 steps in our sales process (stage 1 enquiry, stage 2 meeting and stage 3 proposal) and let's say we offer a really good service so we get a 33% conversion rate at each stage.

The plan knows that if we want to get 6 of our prospects to become customers, we will need 18 prospects at the stage 3 proposal stage. It knows that if we want to get 18 of our prospects to stage 3, we will need 54 prospects at stage 2 and yes, you've guessed it, if we want 54 prospects at stage 2, we need 162 prospects at stage 1.

This is not rocket science, it is just basic maths based on the goal we want to hit and the average sale value. Of course, these numbers can be ripped up if one customer brings in £15,000 alone but remember this is a plan and I was always told to 'plan conservatively and execute optimistically'.

Through planning in this way, it allows you to see how many prospects you need to speak with initially. If in the above plan we are currently bringing in 40 leads a month, then there is further lead generation or prospecting work needed to be done to find the other 120 odd prospects needed to hit our goal. The image below describes perfectly why you need a plan if you have a goal!

Sales Process

Now we have a plan, we need to develop the detailed steps and actions that take place to achieve the results we want at each stage. The sales process is not only the 3 major steps we identified above but it's also the detail of what happens at each stage.

The sales process clarifies questions such as

What happens when a prospect engages with us?

Who follows up on this and when?

What response is provided to them?

What script is used for this?

What happens if they don't respond?

The sales process is all about trying to 'predict' what may happen within our overall sales plan and to put in place actions to handle this.

The process will say 'If I want to hit that £30,000 target, then I need to ensure when each 1 of the 162 prospects that I need to hit the goal makes contact with me, this is what will happen."

The process outlines who will respond to the prospect and how they will approach that conversation so that they can either be moved to stage 2 or be qualified out.

Remember, not every prospect we engage with will be a fit for us and become a customer.

The process is the nitty gritty of sales, but the very best companies know that by doing this properly and then measuring what happens at each point they can make adjustments to get better results.

If you take the time to put in place a good sales plan and a good process, I can assure you that it will not only help you, but it will ensure you have a better chance of hitting the goals and targets you have. Why not take a look a the Sales Genius book and get some other tips from some brilliant other sales leaders that can help you get the results you want?

One of the biggest challenges many companies I speak with have go through the above plan and process work they realise they need to find more prospects to work with! I shared a video this morning on how to find new leads for your business which might be of help!

I did mention at the start of the email that I was going to need your help to ensure I deliver the best book possible.

I will be sharing with you next week what the subject of my book is going to be about and what help from you that I need to bring the book to life! A small clue is that it is all a subject area we are familiar with and can relate to and involves the word attraction!

More to follow on my new book next week but thanks for reading this week's email and I hope the current book that I have been involved with can be of help to you to get better sales results!

Have a great week and keep believing in yourself and the value you bring


Sales Trainer and Mentor

I specialise in working with successful service businesses who want even greater sales success

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