Good Afternoon

FREE Mental Capacity Act Workshop: 12th July 9.30-2.30pm at Oak Tree Centre, Lightmoor

Mental Capacity Act Workshop has been requested by families following on from discussions around Transition. MCA is effective from the age of of 16 and we would like to invite families of children aged 14+ to this event.

Workshop is free of charge and includes Refreshments and Sandwich Lunch (please let us know any dietary requirements).

Key Aims of the workshop are to inform you of the key messages of the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Be aware of the five guiding principles and how they should be used.
What it means to lack capacity.
Be aware of the functional test for capacity
Know that if a person lacks capacity for a specific decision there will be a decision maker.
Be aware that whatever is put in place when the person lacks capacity must be in their Best Interest.​

OFSTED/CQC SEND Inspections - Thank You

The Local Area inspection finished just before we broke up for half term and we would like to re-iterate our thanks to everyone who took part in this work: “The OFSTED/CQC Inspection is over and report will be shared when they are available . . . The Inspectors thanked all our families who have taken part in the process one way or another and we're very grateful for your input and your commitment to 'Making a Difference'. Thank you all”

In addition a message was sent yesterday from the councail team of Clive Jones (Director of Children’s and Adult Services), Jim Collins (Assistant Director - Education and Corporate Parenting), Andy Cooke (Service Delivery Manager), Simon Wellman (SEND Group Manager) at the council as follows:

" Dear all,

We are sending you a message to thank everyone who supported the recent OFSTED /CQC Local Area inspection of SEN just before half term.  Some of you were involved in the initial focus groups and others were visited by the OFSTED/CQC team.  We really appreciate the work that you did, the time you gave and the passion you showed towards SEND.  We know that you were able to showcase some excellent practice (because the team told us) and there were lots of positive comments about our collective work.

We have some ‘trickiness’ providing you with feedback as the OFSTED / CQC team made it clear that information they provided in their feedback session to us was confidential and should remain so until the publication of the final OFSTED/CQC letter.  What we do know is that the letter will not provide a grade but rather a summary of where we are, our strengths and our areas to develop.  What we feel we can share is that they recognised that we know ourselves, that we are an open and transparent learning organisation motivated to succeed, that good progress has recently been made and that there is an action plan already in place focused on developing known gaps.

Whilst the process was exceptionally rigorous and challenging we do feel that it provided an opportunity for us to take stock of our current position.  We know that there is plenty more to do and the inspection has helped to refocus our priorities and help us plan our next steps.

Thank you to everyone who put in a tremendous amount of effort during the week leading up to the inspection and the inspection week itself.  The children and young people of Telford with SEND have many fine practitioners supporting them who work to enable the very best outcomes to be achieved. 

Best wishes

Clive, Jim, Andy and Simon"


Thank your reading our latest bulletin - more news will follow later this week

Jayne Stevens

Participation Co-ordinator on behalf of PODS Parent Carer Forum.


We hope you enjoyed reading our latest e-bulletin - we hope you continue to find it useful. If you have any suggestions to make it better feel free to let me know. 

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