Hello %FirstName% PODS Sleep Course & Lots More... PODS Sleep Course - Evening Are you having trouble getting your child/young person to sleep at night? From Monday 17th June we will be running our 3 week Sleep Tight Course of an evening. The course will cover; The importance of sleep, Causes of sleep issues, Sleep physiology, Good sleep practice and strategies. Sessions will last 1.5 hours and run weekly at 6pm on Monday’s at the PODS Hub. Parent/carers must attend all 3 sessions in order to successfully complete the course. Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. To register your interest please email uma@podstelford.org PLEASE NOTE: The daytime Sleep Course will be coming in October. Free Workshop for Families Who Have an EHCP SEND Changes - Old to new EHCP Testing Wednesday 5th June 2024 (Morning or Afternoon session) at Suite 12 Hazeldine House, Telford Town Centre, TF3 4JL. The SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Change programme is taking place within nine Change Programme Partnerships (CPP) across England with the aim of testing DfE reforms to the SEND and AP system. Telford and Wrekin is the lead for the West Midlands CPP. One of the reforms is to test a new, standardised EHC template and as part of this pilot we are seeking the views of Parent Carers in Telford and Wrekin. We are providing the opportunity for up to 30 Parent Carers of children in Telford and Wrekin who already have an EHCP on Telford’s current template to come and take a look at the new template and provide feedback. The workshop will be an opportunity for parent carers to gain an overview of what the new template looks like, consider how it compares to the Telford template and offer feedback on how they think the plan would translate on to the new template. Please note that attendance at this workshop does not mean your child’s EHCP will be transferred to the new template, at this stage we are just seeking your views so these can be fed back to the DfE as part of the testing. BOOKING LINK HERE: SEND Changes - Old to new EHCP Testing at Suite 12 Hazeldine House event tickets from TicketSource Sibling Workshop ONLINE (Challenging Behaviour) The SIBS workshop will be on 10th June (9.30-11am). It's online via zoom. This one is for families where there are siblings and the child with disability has 'challenging behaviour'. This workshop is for parent carers of disabled children who would like to learn more about managing the relationship between siblings. The focus of the workshop will be on supporting siblings and it aims to help parents identify the difficulties for siblings whose brother or sister displays behaviour which challenges. (nb This workshop is not for professional workers).
A link will be provided a few days before to join via "ZOOM" meeting. To book your place, please click here: Sibling Workshop ONLINE (Challenging Behaviour) PODS MenSpace - Gym Session Wednesday 22nd May 2024 from 10am-1pm at Nuffield Health Telford Fitness & Wellbeing Gym, Telford, TF3 4AG Join us at Nuffield Health on one of our limited Guest Passes. Exercise has been proven to be extremely beneficial for Mental Health. So whether you want to let off some steam with weights or cardio, or take time out to in the sauna or cafe, Nuffield has it all! Please see the link below for further information on the facilities: https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/gyms/telford To book your place, please click here: PODS MenSpace - Gym Session PODS Social - Drawing (12-25s) Wednesday 22nd May 2024 from 6pm-7.30pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU PODS are hosting a Social Session for young people aged 12 years to 25 years and their siblings. All our Social Sessions have a very relaxed atmosphere but there is always a specific focus. This session is: DRAWING To book, please click here: PODS Social - Drawing (12-25s) PODS Counselling Service We are thrilled to share some wonderful news with you all, we are launching our very own PODS Counselling Service. To further enhance the holistic support we provide, we are introducing this valuable addition to our services, offering a dedicated space for emotional well-being. Our Counselling Service aims to create a safe and nurturing environment for parents and caregivers, it will provide a safe space for you to express, explore, and heal, working towards achievable goals to get you on the right path to wellness. For more information or to book an initial consultation please, contact kerrie@podstelford.org PODS Minecraft Club Tuesday 14th May 2024 from 4pm-5pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU A chance to come together and enjoy a session of Minecraft. Please note Minecraft will be accessed via PODS iPads which are linked to one another to allow multiplayer options. Children will not be able to access their own Minecraft accounts for safety reasons. To book, please click here: PODS Minecraft Club PODS Stop Motion Video Club Monday 13th May 2024 at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU PODS Stop Motion Video Club resumes from Jan 2024. The children/young people will be provided with Lego and Ipads to help make the stop motion videos. Cost is £3 per child/young person. Please contact Uma at uma@podstelford.org for any details. To book, please click here: PODS Stop Motion Video Club PODS Social Support Group - Cake Decoration Workshop Thursday 16th May 2024 from 10am-12pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU Join us for a Cake Decoration Workshop in the PODS Hub. All materials will be provided. Places are limited and need to be booked. To book, please click here: PODS Social Support Group - Cake Decoration Workshop PODS Social Support Group at Blists Hill Thursday 23rd May 2024 from 10am-12pm at Blists Hill Victorian Town, Telford, TF7 5UD Come and join us at PODS Family Group in Blists Hill Victorian Town for a chat, relax and meet with friendly faces. Ask us for some advice or just enjoy a walk around the village. Tickets are available at a subsidised cost of £3 per person. PODS will provide 1 tea/coffee/soft drink to each person booked, however you will have to purchase your own other refreshments if required. Places are limited and booking is essential, open to all PODS members living in Telford and Wrekin. Please note that the tickets are non-refundable. Children, of any age, are welcome however if they are under 2 years old, no ticket is required. We will be meeting at the entrance at 10am, please let us know if you will be late or can no longer make it so as the group can enter on time. To book, please click here: PODS Social Support Group at Blists Hill PODS Indoor Table Top Sale Saturday 15th June from 1pm-3pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU Would you be interested in reserving a table for the PODS Indoor Tabletop Sale, at the cost of £5? If yes, please send an email to events@podstelford.org specifying the items you would like to sell. Please note that pyramid selling is not allowed. If you plan to sell food products, ensure that all ingredients and allergens are properly labeled and that you possess a food hygiene certificate. Wheelchair Friendly Walk at Town Park - Open to All Sunday 2nd June at 2pm starting at Mercure Hotel TF3 4NA Duration: 1 hour Led by Telford's own Mickey Bushell MBE, Paralympic gold medalist. To book a place, please click here: Wheelchair Friendly Walk with Mickey Bushell MBE (ticketstelford.com) Bright Star Boxing Academy - Vacancies Bright Star have some exciting opportunities for you to be part of their team. They have vacancies for a Team Manager, a Boxing Coach and more. To view the vacancies, please click here: Bright Star Boxing Academy - Vacancies Action for Happiness Calendar - Meaningful May 2024
Please note the above material is subject to copyright, please contact PODS before sharing any of the information in this PODS Ebulletin. Thank you for reading our latest Ebulletin, please stay safe & well. Kerrie Seagrave, Member Support Co-ordinator on behalf of PODS Parent Carer Forum. We hope you enjoyed reading our latest e-bulletin - we hope you continue to find it useful. If you have any suggestions to make it better feel free to let me know. |
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