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PODS Mental Health Drop In, BeeU 1:1 Sessions & Lots More...

PODS Mental Health Drop In

Tuesday 14th May 2024 from 10am-11.30am at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU 

Come and join us for our Mental Health Drop In, in a safe and non-judgemental environment. We will have tea, coffee, biscuits, cakes, a listening ear ready for you and a goody bag treat for all the attendees. 

Whether you would like to off load, have a warm cuppa, or just want someone to talk too. We are here for you.

To book, please click here: PODS Mental Health Drop In

BeeU Assistant Psychologist Drop-In - 1:1 Sessions

Tuesday 14th May 2024 - Tuesday 4th June 2024 at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU

We are hosting a drop-in opportunity with one of the new BeeU Assistant Psychologists - please read below for further information.

As you are aware there have been some changes within the BeeU team and one of these is the recruitment of Assistant Psychologists who are offering 'waiting well' support to families, to signpost to other services and to give an update on waiting times and review your assessment journey.   

If you have a question about this offer please email Jayne, Strategic Co-ordinator of the Parent Carer Forum
jayne@podstelford.org or 0777 534 2092

To book, please click here: BeeU Assistant Psychologist Drop-In - 1:1 Sessions

PODS Social Support Group - Cake Decoration Workshop

Thursday 16th May 2024 from 10am-12pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU

Join us for a Cake Decoration Workshop in the PODS Hub. All materials will be provided.  

Places are limited and need to be booked. 

To book, please click here: PODS Social Support Group - Cake Decoration Workshop

Parent Participation Summit - **CHANGE OF DATE**

You are invited to Working Together to improve Parent Participation Summit Understanding the SEND and AP action plan.

27th June 2024 Telford & Wrekin CVS Suite 12 &15 Hazledine House from 5.30pm-8pm. 30 places available.


"A little bit about the summit: As a local system (Education, Health and Social Care) we want to collect the voice of our parents and carers in Telford & Wrekin that is purposeful and will impact service delivery. This summit is an opportunity for you to understand the current SEND and AP Action plan and where the parent voice is and what parent representation sits on the different meetings and boards.

Proposed Outline of the Summit: Who is Who in the room Actions from the last Summit regarding communication Overview of the SEND and AP action Plan – who sits in what meetings and boards National update – SEND and AP Change Programme Up to 5 spaces are available for each parent Group/forum

To book a space please visit https://forms.office.com/e/Cvztw9Fr7V or scan the QR code Please not that car parks close at 20:30 so please ensure a prompt return to the car park."

PODS Stop Motion Video Club

Monday 29th April 2024 at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU

PODS Stop Motion Video Club resumes from Jan 2024. The children/young people will be provided with Lego and Ipads to help make the stop motion videos. Cost is £3 per child/young person.

Please contact Uma at uma@podstelford.org for any details.

To book, please click here: PODS Stop Motion Video Club

PODS Minecraft Club

Tuesday 30th April 2024 from 4pm-5pm at PODS Hub, 1 Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU

A chance to come together and enjoy a session of Minecraft. Please note Minecraft will be accessed via PODS iPads which are linked to one another to allow multiplayer options. Children will not be able to access their own Minecraft accounts for safety reasons. 
Sessions open to children and young people of all ages who are members of PODS including their siblings.

Drinks and biscuits provided. Session costs are non-refundable, parent/carer/PA must remain on site for the duration of the session. Please ensure every Child/young person attending has a ticket, those attending without a ticket will be turned away. Adult tickets are NOT required.

To book, please click here: PODS Minecraft Club

Play Strategy World Café Event - Event to talk about Play Parks across Telford & Wrekin

Friday 17th May 2024 at Meeting Point House – Octogen Room from 10am-12.30pm (registration from 9.30am)

All our families are invited to be part of this event to talk about Play Parks across Telford & Wrekin.  Information below shared from Jade at Telford & Wrekin Council - please confirm your place by contact number below.

Telford and Wrekin Council are currently undertaking a targeted consultation to explore ‘Play for All’ across the borough. As part of this, we are holding a stakeholder world café event as a workshop to explore the experiences, deficits and barriers that our residents face when accessing our open spaces for recreational play. I would like to invite you to our event as an expert because of your experience and/or the work you do for the residents of Telford.

If you are able to attend, please confirm your place by Wednesday 1st May.

You can confirm your place by contacting Jade on 0797 757 9261.

SEND & AP Change Programme

New testing of process for 'Advisory Tailored Lists'

Shared from Telford & Wrekin Council: 

"In areas where the SEND and AP Change Programme is taking place, local authority caseworkers will provide parents and carers with an advisory tailored list, to support them to express an informed preference for a placement in their child’s Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHC plan). This will be an individualised list of mainstream, specialist or independent settings, as appropriate. All settings on the list will be considered likely to be suitable to meet the child’s special educational needs, and accompanied by supporting information to provide a clear picture of each placement.

We are seeking parent carer views on the use of advisory tailored lists as part of this process. Please note that the use of Advisory Tailored Lists is currently a testing exercise only and is not a confirmed new process. Feedback will be shared with the DfE and REACh as part of the SEND and AP Change Programme, details of which can be found here: SEND and AP Change Programme - SEND - Local offer (telfordsend.org.uk)"

This survey closes at 5pm on Wednesday 15th May.

You can complete the survey here: SEND and AP Change Programme - Parent Carer Survey: Advisory Tailored Lists

Witherslack Group Free Webinar's for Parent Carers

ADHD & Autism: Supporting Dysregulated Behaviour

Wednesday 1st May from 10am-11am (Including Q&A)

During this webinar, Emma Weaver, Deputy CEO of The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity will cover the following topics;

  • Understanding the characteristics of ADHD and Autism, highlighting the differences, common challenges and impact on individuals
  • Discuss the factors that contribute to dysregulated behaviour and how these conditions may impact emotional self-regulation
  • Explore suggested strategies that can be used to support dysregulated behaviour in children and young people to help them develop the skills for independent self-regulation.

To book a place, please click here: ADHD & Autism: Supporting Dysregulated Behaviour

Mindful Parenting: Nurturing Mental Wellness For You & Your Child

Tuesday 14th May from 10am-11am (Including Q&A)

During this webinar, Bridgitte Calder, Psychologist from Witherslack, will explore:

  • The importance of mindfulness, compassion and self-soothing in the world of parenting, which is equally important for the mental health of both you and your child.
  • How mindfulness can enhance your parenting journey through regulating your own nervous system, promoting resilience and deepening your connection with your child.
  • Practical strategies, tips and advice to leave you feeling empowered, calmer and grounded.

To book a place, please click here: Mindful Parenting: Nurturing Mental Wellness For You & Your Child

Collaborate: Mental Health and Stress Awareness Special


"Welcome to this special edition of Collaborate, focusing on Mental Health and Stress Awareness!  As we step into Spring, we're not just celebrating its arrival, but also gearing up to shine a spotlight on mental health and stress awareness.

April marks Stress Awareness Month, and whilst many people will manage short term episodes of stress, we know that for some people this often is through the adoption of health affecting behaviours such as increased alcohol, tobacco or unhealthy eating. Other people will have prolonged periods of stress that can be debilitating in terms of coping with everyday activities. 

I am excited to share BeeU’s enhanced offer providing additional support for children and young people’s emotional well-being in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and the role and responsibilities of a Community Mental Health Nurse at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (MPFT) Dementia Assessment & Support Service."

To read Collaborate in full please click here: Collaborate: Mental Health and Stress Awareness Special

Information from Telford & Wrekin Community Champions

Have Your Say - Are You a Carer?

Muxton Outdoor Gym

Action for Happiness Calendar - Active April 2024

Please note the above material is subject to copyright, please contact PODS before sharing any of the information in this PODS Ebulletin.

Thank you for reading our latest Ebulletin, please stay safe & well. 

Kerrie Seagrave, Member Support Co-ordinator

on behalf of PODS Parent Carer Forum.

We hope you enjoyed reading our latest e-bulletin - we hope you continue to find it useful. If you have any suggestions to make it better feel free to let me know. 

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